A slow-burning mystery thriller revolving around the Nortons and the Harrisons.
Hawthorne - The smoke-belching rumble of the International was the only reminder that Hardin was far, long behind them. For Georgia, scooting over. . .
Georgia - Georgia loved the sweet stickiness that embalmed itself into the thick air. Unlike her sister, Georgia was a summer girl. . .
Cora - 'Gotham!' He loved that name, bestowed by one of his favorite comics. He couldn't imagine a better time to. . .
Robert - Her tiny room in the boarding house meant everything to Cora. Having endured a difficult life, she understood struggle. The. . .
Stanley - From childhood, Georgia, and her younger sister, Harriet, had a friendly sibling rivalry. However, Georgia, the craftier of the two. . .
Bliss - Hawthorne became Georgia's playground. They had sacrificed plenty to survive the first couple of months. Stan worked hard, turned their. . .
Disarray - Stan drove slowly into the dusk as the city settled for the evening. The radio crackled an old time tune. . .
Broken - Georgia's courage was put to the test. Her brave face, and Stan's support, was all that she had. The trip. . .